Saturday, April 7, 2012


Holy smokes! Last update was in JUNE!! So much has happened in between then and now, that's its impossible to wrap up in a paragraph or two! Send me an email if you are interested!

So, the 52in52 challenge fell to the way side. I do have some great photos, so maybe I will continue with the challenge but on my own!

Being on your own after so many years is definitely a challenge. It's time consuming. It's stressful. It's a motivator to keep going, no matter what wall, faucet, gas line problem, tv disfunction or tax anxiety you are hit with.

It forces you out. Get a job. Time manage. Property manage. It shows who your friends are and more importantly, who they aren't. It renews self esteem and self confidence. It breathes life into a stagnant world.

Are you facing a challenge, a real challenge? Not the kind - what shoe to wear, but a serious, possibly life alterning challenge. GO and be true to who you are. ENJOY the walls you hit - they are learning walls. HEAL whatever needs to be healed - body, psyche or tv. It needs to be done and it can be done. YOU have the power.

Right. Where are those photos?

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