Saturday, April 30, 2011

Look what I did!

I am an avid cross stitcher and though I love to stitch, it takes ages, sometimes years, to actually finish anything.  Cross stitching is NOT for those who want instant gratification!  But, I have finally finished this little doodad.

It's called a biscornu - a fancy name for a pincushion!  Check it out!  This is side one ...

And this is side 2 ...

This particular biscornu has 15 individually stitched squares that are then cut apart (gasp!) and sewn together with 5 on the top, 5 on the bottom and 5 on the sides.  Purdy, eh?!


  1. Just to confirm, you are way more patient than me!

  2. Wow--purdy is right. That's amazing work!
